Wednesday, September 21, 2011

More thoughts on Crankbaits

I have been hanging problems writing blogs lately.  Maybe it’s the fact that I have not been on the water lately.  I have not had that time alone with God in his creation.  I have to say I am feeling it.  I miss my time with God being on the water.
I was reading 2 Corinthians 5 the other day.  It is a great chapter of scripture.  It is in my opinion one of Paul’s greatest writings.  To be honest I have read it over and over trying to understand what Paul is really trying to say.  I would love to read it in Greek so I can see all of the things that don’t translate into English that we miss, but I am not there yet in my Greek understanding. 
What really stuck out to me was 2 Corinthians 5:17, which says: “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!”  When I read this I immediately thought of a blog I wrote months ago about custom painted crankbaits. 
The point of the blog was that when we become a Christian we are like a crankbait that is custom painted after you buy it.  The paint is stripped and made into a new creation.  We are the same; we are stripped of your old ways and made new when we allow Christ into our lives.
2 Corinthians 5:17 tells us just that, the old is gone!  Just like the old paint on the crankbait is gone our old self is gone.  The “New” is here in the case of a crankbait it’s that new paint job put on by the artist creating it.  In the case of a Christian it’s the new life we gain in the artist of Christ.
I love the analogy of the crankbait receiving a custom paint job and how we as Christians get one as well.  I hope that you have received a custom paint job in your life.  I hope that God has brought the “New” into your life and the old is gone.  If not maybe it’s time that you stop and listen to the words of God and allow the transformation.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

What Am ITo Learn From All of This?

Well once again I am dealing with motor troubles.  This time though things look bad.  The trim unit I have is fried and the motor won’t go in reverse and on top of it, when you put the warm lever up it make the boat go in forward gear.
I am really upset.  Fishing around here is about to pick up.  Last fall I racked up the bass and found some great spots for fall and even early winter.  I was able to fish until December.  Now I am looking at no boat until next spring.  I have to say this upsets me.
I have been sitting here trying to figure out what I am supposed to learn from all of this and I have nothing.  The only bright spot is that a month ago I was able to take kids fishing at camp in my boat.  There was one minor problem that week but nothing a quick trip to the local Auto Zone could not fix.
I was able to see some kids catch their first bass; I was even able to see one of the consolers catch his first pike.  I am blessed that I had a boat and was able to do that with the kids I was able to take on the boat.
So as I write this I realize it could be worse, I could have had these issues a month ago and not had the boat working.  With that said it still stinks that now I am without a working motor.  It’s funny I got on craigslist to day and there are a lot of bass boats for sale cheap.  If I only had the money to get a newer bass boat, but that's not God's plan for me right now.
I am said before I always look for what God is trying to teach me in these situations because I have had a lot of boat issues this year.  I guess I am making up for the problem free year I had last year.  I still have not been able to see what God has planned for me or what I am supposed to learn.
I have spent some time looking over the Bible looking for some verse that would give me some sort of hope.  To be honest I don’t have a verse that did.  I have often wondered if I put fishing before God.  Maybe this is his answer to me that I do.  Maybe I am supposed to realize I have put fishing first I don’t really know.

Thursday, August 25, 2011


So camp is over.  All I can say is wow.  I had an amazing time.  The kids were great and I was able to share God and fishing.  It was amazing to me how excited the kids were about God and fishing.  The plan was to take 6 kids out in the boat during the week.  We had a casting competition to see who would go.  Wednesday was the day, later that night Josh the one in charge came to me and said the kids enjoyed it so much we needed to take 6 more out the next day.  So we dew names and 6 more kids got a trip in the boat.
I was amazed at how excited the kids were about the boat.  I only had one kid who got a bass from the boat, but we had about 7 catch them from shore.  It was an amazing week.  I saw kids grow in Christ and I myself also was able to grow.
I just have to say thank you to all of those guys who helped me out by donating lures and rods, and even hats.  So thank you to Shaw Grigsby, Tony Posey, Sam Sagaser, Rodney Howard, Jeremy Burge and Edwin Evers.  I could not have done it without your help.
I am already looking forward to next year.  The coolest thing that happened was when I had a kid tell me he really didn’t like fishing, but after being at camp and me teaching him something he was more excited about fishing.  That one comment made the whole week and all the struggles I had putting the fishing section together worth it.  Man sometimes God blesses you in small ways and that sure was a blessing.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

B Attitudes

My wife made a comment the other day well we were out fishing sinko’s that made me stop and think.  She said something to the effect of how she could not believe how patient I can be when fishing.  I was slowly fishing a weed line working every inch of it slowly letting my sinko float down and working it back to the boat.
It made me think of the B attitudes which are from Matthew 5:3-12:
3Blessed are the poor in spirit,
   for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are those who mourn,
   for they will be comforted.
Blessed are the meek,
   for they will inherit the earth.
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
   for they will be filled.
Blessed are the merciful,
   for they will be shown mercy.
Blessed are the pure in heart,
   for they will see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers,
   for they will be called children of God.
Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness,
   for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
“Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me.  Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.”
As I thought about Matthew I realized that all of these apply when fishing.  There are days I know anglers feel poor in spirit you can’t get on fish.  We mourn when we lose them.  Well maybe the meek part is pushing it.  But you get the point.  Anglers can take comfort from the B Attitudes and the next time things are hard or you are having a hard time being patient remember Matthew 5: 3-12.   

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Just Fishin

I am not a country music fan by any means.  However I ran across a song by Trace Adkins because my wife told me about it and so I looked it up.  The song is about a father and daughter going fishing, and talking about what is going on.
It made me stop and think.  We only have a short time with our children and in that time we need to instill the values we believe in them.  Once they reach the age of adult hood we can only sit on the sidelines and watch and hope and pray they follow God.
There’s a line in the song “She thinks were just fishin”.  It really hit home with me, because I took the family out fishing on Saturday night and I started a conversation about wondering why God made fish.  Its moments like that that we can share small pieces of God with our Children.
That’s what I love about being in the outdoors and fishing.  We get a chance to be in God’s great gift to us and share important moments with our family.  I hope you spend time with your children and share the love of God with them.
Check out the music video below:

Monday, June 27, 2011

Side Imaging

I have been fascinated by the side imaging scince it came out a few years back.  I love the idea that you can see what is going on under the water and at such a long distance.  I have looked at the units many times and see the advantages of having one.  The problem is the dollar amount of side imaging units.  I saw an ad for a down imaging unit from Lowrance and It got me to think about them again.
As I looked over the ad I thought of Luke 12:7
But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not therefore: ye are of more value than many sparrows.”
God knows all he knows even the hairs on our heads.  Just like with side imaging we can see what is happening under the water around us.  It amazes me that God does know very hair on my head.  The side imaging and down imaging allows anglers to know a place we are fishing like God knows each and every one of us.
So remember the next time you are using your side imaging that just like you knowing every rock, hump and tree in a given area God knows everything about you as well.  Just a thought.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Lurking Bass

I set out today to test some products and I only had a little bit of time and we had storms rolling in and out all day long, so I hit a small pond to do some work.  As I walk up I see 10 to 15 bass lurking around gills on the bed.
As I stood and watch I was reminded of 1 Peter 5:8 which says “Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.”  I was reminded of this because of what the bass would do.
They would just sit there looking at the gills swimming around.  They would just sit there waiting for the perfect time to go in and get a meal.  The gills had to know they were there and what they wanted.  I know that the Devil is prowling around looking for the perfect opportunity to go in and make a mess of my life.
We as Christians need to be careful and not get separated from God.  When the small gill fry would venture just far enough from the safety of the large group of them the bass would gobble it up.  The same is true for us.  When we stray from God the devil gobbles us up.
Keep that in mind the next time you start to stray away from the Lord.  Just a thought.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Hard Times

Have you ever had one of those times in your life where being on the water seemed to fix your problems?  I seem to be able to deal with my problems better when I am out fishing.  Yesterday my wife and I found out that she had a miscarriage.  As soon as I found out about it my heart dropped.  I had grand visions of fishing with “Baby Mac” (what we nicknamed the baby). 
As we were driving home from the ER last night I told my wife I was going fishing tomorrow.  With loving eyes she looked at me and said I know.  It’s funny how people find comfort during difficult times, for me its fishing.  Others find comfort in crying or some other thing.
I texted my friend Josh last night and he joined me on the water today.  I had a great day on the water I got a bunch of smallmouth bass and a few pike.  Nothing big or worth bragging about, however time on the water allowed me to forget about baby Mac for a few hours.   
I spent the day trying to be distracted and not disappointed by the loss.  I began to think about Job, and all the hard ship he went through.  My wife and I had lost a baby one not even born yet.  Job lost everything kids, land, money you name it he lost it.
Job had people he sat with and talked about what was going on with.  When you read Job they give him bad advice.  I have Josh, unlike them he helps me see God and helps me put things in prospective.  We all need people like Josh in our lives.  Don’t let things get you down, now things will get you down don’t get me wrong.  Look for the good in it, I still have not found it in the situation in which me and Cyndi are going through but I am sure there is one. 
Please keep me and Cyndi in your prayers.  I know God has a purpose in this I just have not seen it.  I thank God for good friends like Josh who are willing to spend time with you when the world seems to some down around you.  Remember God loves even in the hard times.  Job did and in the end God gave him more than he had before.

Monday, June 6, 2011

The Crankbait has Returned

I was out fishing the river today using a Strike King Series 3 crankbait in chartreuse with a blue back.  I was fishing a bank that goes from rock to trees.  I have fished the spot a few times, and have had some luck in the past.  The last time I was out I was fishing the same color lure in the same model when I hung it in a tree.
I had forgotten the tree was there, and I hung my lure up again.  I tried a couple of the tricks I know for getting it loose.  As I was working on pulling the crankbait free up pop what looked like my crankbait.  I thought it was until I realized that mine was still hung up.  I finally worked it free and there in the water was two identical crankbaits.
I snagged the one that came up out of the water.  I knew right away that it was mine because I mark the depths my crankbaits run on the bill of every crankbait with a Sharpie.  As I got the crankbait out of the water I was reminded of the story of the Prodical Son from the book of Luke.  The crankbait returned to me just like the son in the parable, it was also grimy and dirty just like in the story I heard as a child in Sunday school class.
Luke 15:11-32:
“Jesus continued: “There was a man who had two sons.  The younger one said to his father, ‘Father, give me my share of the estate.’ So he divided his property between them.
 “Not long after that, the younger son got together all he had, set off for a distant country and there squandered his wealth in wild living.  After he had spent everything, there was a severe famine in that whole country, and he began to be in need.  So he went and hired himself out to a citizen of that country, who sent him to his fields to feed pigs.  He longed to fill his stomach with the pods that the pigs were eating, but no one gave him anything.
 “When he came to his senses, he said, ‘How many of my father’s hired servants have food to spare, and here I am starving to death!  I will set out and go back to my father and say to him: Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you.  I am no longer worthy to be called your son; make me like one of your hired servants.’  So he got up and went to his father.
“But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him.
“The son said to him, ‘Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son.’
“But the father said to his servants, ‘Quick! Bring the best robe and put it on him. Put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet.  Bring the fattened calf and kill it. Let’s have a feast and celebrate.  For this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.’ So they began to celebrate.
“Meanwhile, the older son was in the field. When he came near the house, he heard music and dancing.  So he called one of the servants and asked him what was going on.  ‘Your brother has come,’ he replied, ‘and your father has killed the fattened calf because he has him back safe and sound.’
    “The older brother became angry and refused to go in. So his father went out and pleaded with him.  But he answered his father, ‘Look! All these years I’ve been slaving for you and never disobeyed your orders. Yet you never gave me even a young goat so I could celebrate with my friends.  But when this son of yours who has squandered your property with prostitutes comes home, you kill the fattened calf for him!’
 “‘My son,’ the father said, ‘you are always with me, and everything I have is yours.  But we had to celebrate and be glad, because this brother of yours was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.’””
I lost a crankbait and yet it was returned to me.  It was dirt the hooks and split ring were rusty but with some cleaning and replacing the parts that had rusted it would be as good as new.  This parable is not just about a son (or in my case a crankbait) it’s about those who come to God (the father) and ask to come home.  It is a parable about the fact that those who don’t have a relationship with God can come into a relationship with him not matter how dirty with sin we are.
Don’t forget that no matter how bad we think we have been or what we have done in our lives the Lord still loves us and will be there for us when we come to him.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

I Need Help

So I need some help.  I am working at a Church summer camp this year where we are going to teach young men/boys about being the man God wants us to be.  I am going to be teaching kids about fishing.  How to cast, different lures and when the conditions are best that sort of thing. 
We are going to have a casting contest where 8 kids get a chance to go out in the boat and run the trolling motor and fish for bass (that’s not off shore).  We are also going to let the kids fish off shore for bass or gills. 
So to all my followers I need your help.  I am in need of tackle for these kids.  I plan to use some of what I have but to be honest I don’t want to go thru all of my stuff.  If you can help me out and donate anything except hooks we have like 400 that we got from Eagle Claw.  I would really appreciate it.  You can email me at  We will make a list of all those who helped out and it will go home with the kids so if you have a website you can use this to help promote it I have no problem with that.
I look forward to hearing from you guys and thanks for any help you can give.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Helping Out

I have been getting a lot of free tackle as of late, which I am not complaining about in anyway.  At times I have more stuff than I think I can ever use.  So the other day I was on Facebook when I saw a friend needed some stuff for a tournament he was running.  I knew I had a ton of stuff I could send.  So I sent him a message and off it went.
I was thinking about being a Christian, we are called to help others.  I started thinking about Hebrews 13:16 which says “Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God.”
I had more tackle then I needed and I could help out my friend Allen.  So without thinking I told him I would.  I have done this other times and gotten thing in return but every time I offer to help with tackle I never expect anything on return.  I simply do it because I can and I want to help those who need.
I have seen this a lot in the fishing community as of late.  With big storms hit the south it has been cool to see the fishing community come together and help those whose lives have been thrown into upheaval because of tornados.  I think that’s part of why I like being an angler because I see Christian values in the sport I love.
The next time you see someone in need just remember we are called to “share” or help those in need.  Let’s continue to pray for the south in the after math of the disasters that have occurred in the last few months.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Here I Am Yet Agian

Not my motor but pretty close to the
one giving me problems
It seems that most of my blogs have been about my motor in the past month.  I have had more problems with that thing, at times it makes me want to pull my hair out.  I have tried to look at all the problems with a good point of view but as each new problem arises I am having a harder and harder time doing so.
I had this thought the other day.  I am beginning to feel a bit like Paul.  Now don’t stop reading and yes I did just compare myself to Paul.  Paul in my opinion is the second greatest New Testament figure we have next to Christ.  So much of the New Testament comes from Paul he helped start Churches and was fundamental in bringing gentiles into Christianity.
Even though Paul did all of these things he was still hounded and threatened by the Jews and gentiles alike.  We read about how he was thrown into jail, beaten and even stoned in the name of God.  Now none of that is happening to me by my motor but I was looking at my motor as those who were trying to shout Paul up.  My motor has done nothing but work against me, instead of helping me gets to the fish.
Even though Paul went through all of that at the hands of those who did not want him to accomplish the goal God set before him Paul continued on.  Even though my motor doesn’t want to co-operate with me I am still pressing on.  Yes it would be nice to have a newer boat, one that I don’t have to work on week in and week out.  However that’s not what God has planned for me I guess.  Even thought I am still waiting patiently for that phone call or email telling me that I have won one of those hundreds of bass boats I have signed up to win.
Just like Paul I am going to solder on.  I will continue to deal with the curve balls that my boat and motor cause me.  Maybe someday I will be able to get that new boat, or maybe I can just win one.  It’s funny I am always checking craigslist and I am always finding great deals on used bass boats.  Sadly I don’t have the 5 or 7 grand it would cost to get a decent used one.  Like I said someday, or maybe not maybe I am never suppose to have a newer boat but I sure hope not.
So the next time you feel like everything is falling apart or everything is against you stop and think about all that Paul went through.  Remember we are not alone when we are going through something annoying or difficult God is with us.

Fishing With Faith and Winning

I just ran across this article on Wired 2 Fish about Steven Stone.  The article is about his faith and how he sees God working through his fishing.  It was interesting to read and worth your time.  If anyone knows how I can get in touch with Steven please let me know I would like to talk with him.

He has won three tournament is a row the Jet-A-Marina tournament, BFL and Bassmaster weekend series all on Kentucky Lake.

Saturday, May 21, 2011


I am always excited when I get to tell you about an organization that is willing to think and look beyond themselves.  I was introduced to a new organization today called F.I.S.H.

In action

Here is what Rodney Howard the founder had to say:

We here at F.I.S.H. are dedicated to improving the quality of life for those in need and to assist charitable foundations. Our goal is to be a foundation for families and organizations to acquire assistance on every level possible. There are so many people in need of help in travel expenses, food cost, and other cost that comes with illness and life’s tragedies. We are going to put our best foot forward and make this happen to assist these people. There will also be charitable organizations as well as our military that we will be donating to and assisting often. We will be hosting fishing tournaments, fund raisers, and auctions at the tournaments to raise money for these causes. This is going to be about bringing bass fisherman and hope for families in need together. Within the next two years we hope to be able to reach out to surrounding states and make a difference in their communities as well.
Our reps will be on location at many of the larger circuits to speak and spread the word of our organization. Reaching out thru areas such as the FLW,PAA,B.A.S.S, and others will bring your product much recognition and be there for the public to view in as many locations as possible. Our group would like to have the use of three of your boats to wrap with our logo and display at these events. These types of tournaments will give us publicity and promote your boats to the whole bass fishing community thru out the year to come. Your sponsorship and assistance will be included in all of our events and on our literature as well as our media exposure. I have all confidence in the success of this project.
They resently raised close to 4,000 dollars for a little boy named Dawson who has brain cancer.  I will be keeping you updated as I know more.  You can check out BIGBASSMANIA.COM for some more info.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Time to Change

I came to a realization the other day well watching the B.A.S.S. Elite event on ESPN.  They showed a tracker of where the top 4 anglers fished on the lake.  Between the 4 of them they covered almost the entire lake.
So here’s what I realized I tend to stand still when fishing.  I can pull up on a spot I think holds fish or I know has fish on it and sit and try and milk it or fish it until I catch a fish.  This tends to be my problem I hate change.  So I can sit on a spot for 4 hours and never catch a fish, because I think they are there.  I also identified another problem I have.  I don’t change baits very often either.  I have mentioned once or twice how much I love fishing crankbaits.  So if I am fishing a crankbait and I’m not getting bit I don’t change color or one that has no rattles or rattles.  I tend to get rods out and use what’s on them or change baits before getting on the water and sticking with them even when they don’t produce.
I have begun to realize this is a problem with my fishing.  I need to be able and willing to change with the situations I am faced with each time on the water.  Looking back in my life I see that change has always been a hard thing for me to deal with.  My mom will tell you that when I was a kid she would have to send me away from the house for the day so she could change the living room around cause if she did it when I was home I would freak out.
The more I thought about it Romans 12:2 came to mind:
"Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let
God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think.
Then you will learn to know
God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect."
When I became a Christian I allowed God to change me.  Now I need to make changes in my fishing.  I could only have left the way I use to live with God’s help.  Now I am faced with another change one that has no bearing on the life I live.
Yet as I write this blog all I can think is maybe if I pray about it God will help me to change this attitude I have well fishing.  It’s worth a shot right?  Don’t be like me and have a hard time changing instead 

Monday, May 9, 2011

New Life in my Motor

Well I got the motor working, looks like I will be fishing soon.  I don’t even know what to say, other then I feel stupid.  Ok so here’s what the problem was……not the controls, ignition, solenoid and battery.  I overlooked a small fuse, yes a small fuse that had blown.  The cause of my stress for a week has been a small AGA 20 fuse, a 3 dollar part!
I had checked it the first time I gave the motor a once over.  It looked good in poor lighting.  After basically thinking I was never going to figure out the problem I went back to the motor and looked it over again.  I don’t know why I looked at the fuse again but I did.  After holding it to the light and thinking that might be blown I ran to the auto store got the 3 dollar part and hit the ignition….the motor came to life.
I had been text messaging Josh back and forth all day because I honestly thought I would not be fishing this summer from my boat meaning no tourneys.  I was upset I mean really upset.  Josh asked me what I thought God was teaching me (Which I blogged about here) and I what I would look back in three months and see.  My response was I didn’t get to fish all summer.  Man that was stupid of me to say.
After cranking the motor a good 10 times I stopped bowed my head and thanked God.  Yup I stopped and prayed.  The victory was as much Gods as it was my own.  No Gods hands did not do the work, but he did keep me from taking a hammer to the motor and beating it until it never worked again. Before I was a Christian I would have been so mad that it was not working I would have destroyed a good motor because I was angry.
I have blogged about anger before and how since becoming a Christian I have worked to get rid of the anger in my life.  This ordeal with the motor has truly tested it.  I have been a pain to live with just ask my wife.  But with God’s help I have not lost my temper like I use to.
Is funny to me that a small fuse could be the cause of all my problems.  As I put the fuse into the motor and turned the key I thought about James 3:1-12:
“Not many of you should become teachers, my fellow believers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly.  We all stumble in many ways. Anyone who is never at fault in what they say is perfect, able to keep their whole body in check.
  When we put bits into the mouths of horses to make them obey us, we can turn the whole animal.  Or take ships as an example. Although they are so large and are driven by strong winds, they are steered by a very small rudder wherever the pilot wants to go.  Likewise, the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark.  The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole body, sets the whole course of one’s life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell.
  All kinds of animals, birds, reptiles and sea creatures are being tamed and have been tamed by mankind,  but no human being can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison.
 With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse human beings, who have been made in God’s likeness.  Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers and sisters, this should not be.  Can both fresh water and salt water flow from the same spring?  My brothers and sisters, can a fig tree bear olives, or a grapevine bear figs? Neither can a salt spring produce fresh water.”
Just like the verse says our tongues are such a small part of our bodies but they can cause big problems.  That fuse was so small and caused an entire motor to not run.  Now my motor and the way we talk to people are not related but the motor sure made me stop and think about James 3.
The funny thing is that my motor caused me to stumble, I was rude to people because of my motor.  I texted stuff to Josh that was kind of dumb because I was upset about the motor.  I let an outside source upset me and I let it cause me to be a jerk.  Don’t let outside sources cause you anger and to stumble like my motor did me.  Instead look for the positives in the situation you our going thru. 
I sure hope in 3 months I can look back at this and think man God sure helped me grow!  

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Tanner Outdoors

I found this website from John Tanner's Facebook page.  If you Dont know John Tanner is a pro on the FLW Tour.  He has a site about outdoors and God.  He is doing something I would love to do someday and I honestly hope God allows me to.  Check it out.

Learning During the Hard Times

I have to be honest the weather has been great the last week and I am going nuts.  The boat still will not start.  My friend Josh and I went fishing last Saturday and the motor has not turned over since I loaded it on the trailer.  I am losing it not being on the water.
Friday Josh and I took the hour trip to his dad’s house and picked up two used controls (his dad scraps boats and sells parts).  I was convinced that the problem was in the controls not the motor somewhere.  Well last night I hooked up the controls I got from Josh’s dad and got the same result the motor playing dead.
I feel like I should be learning something from this.  The problem is I don’t know what.  I have the tendency to look at a situation and think what is God teaching me?  In this situation I don’t know what it is.  I was thinking maybe God is trying to teach me that fishing is not everything.  Or maybe God is trying to help me see the good in a bad situation.  I am leaning toward that, I have been trying to look at the positives even thou the motor is not working.
I shared in another blog that the motor could have stopped ten minutes earlier than it did and Josh and I would have been stranded.  Also I got the opportunity to meet Josh’s dad which was an honor.  Plus last week was so nice I think I may have fished a little too much and not have studied for my Greek final like I should have and did and may not have passed the class.
I keep hoping he boat will just start and I can go fishing, however it doesn’t seem to want to.  I keep thinking I wish I had a new boat but I know I am lucky to have the 30 year old Ranger I have because some guys aren’t even that blessed.
The next time that you seem to be going thru something that is a struggle for you stop and think about what is God trying to teach me.  I know when I do I seem to have more peace with what is going on I am able to look at the situation with a better prospective.       

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Belive It or Not

Yesterday I shared with you about Josh and I fishing on Saturday and how we experienced something that shocked me when the power company turned on the cooling tower.  That was only part of the story, and now I am going to share the rest of it.
As I was putting the boat on the trailer the motor stopped working….well I say motor only because it wouldn’t turn over.  However I think it is an electrical issue in the ignition and not the motor itself.  I feel like I should be upset yet I’m not.  We got the boat on the trailer I’m in the process of fixing it and I’m not upset.
This is a new experience for me, last year it seemed like I was fixing something on my boat every week just to keep it running, and every time it broke down I would get upset.  Yet Saturday I was frustrated but it didn’t fly off the handle or go off.  I got the boat on the trailer got it home and began trying to figure out what was wrong with it.
I was telling Josh yesterday that we were blessed, if the part that died had died 10 minutes before we would have been stranded on the river.  I can’t tell you it was God, I would like to think it was.  It’s not the first time something like this has happened either.  I had a truck with starter problems once and I was 40 miles from home I really had to bang on the starter to get it to work, but I finally got the truck started and made it home.  That starter never worked again but when it died It was parked safely in front of my home where all my tools where and I could work on the truck.
I wish I had some great Bible verse to stick in here but the truth is I don’t.  I can only have faith and believe that God had something to do with it.  That’s the great thing about faith you don’t need a reason (well I don’t) I believe that God was looking out for me and Josh that day.   

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Could Rock Your Faith

Saturday started the opening of catch and release in MI.  Needless to say I was really excited.  So at 9 am my best friend Josh and I headed to the river to fish the spot I had found 5 months ago and to see if it was still holding fish.
When we pulled up on it I was determined to not hammer the spot with crankbaits, because I had pounded that spot last Nov/Dec with them.  I wanted to see what else I could pull them off the spot with.  I also wanted to field test the Atomic Tackle Company Ball and Chain (read review here).
Within 10 minutes I had a 2lb in the boat.  The fish came steadily here and there for 2 or 3 hours.  I finally changed to a crankbait because I could not resist the temptation of throwing one.  I began to feel bad for Josh, as I was bringing in fish after fish he struggled and did not bring one in.  I do half to share a funny moment with you.  I was bringing in the largest fish I (and Josh) caught Saturday as the MSU crew team was practicing behind us.  As I swung the 3 lb (maybe more) on to the boat and unhooked it I hear out of nowhere “Nice Fish” clear as day.  In my head I thought “Yes God it is thanks for allowing me to catch it”, but it was the guy giving directions to the crew team saying it over the bull horn.  I laughed about that with Josh for the rest of the day.
Like I said I had been fishing this same spot last Nov/Dec because it stayed warmer than the rest of the river.  It is near the dam and there are some cooling towers right by the spot that I figured kept the spot warmer.  I had not seen the towers run since last summer but I knew they played a part in why this spot produced.
I experienced a rude awakening Saturday as they turned on the cooling tower.  When that happened I expected the fishing to get better, with the current moving more and I also expected the water temp to rise.  When we first pulled up on it the spot was holding around 60 degrees where the rest of the river was about 53 degrees.  Not only did the water temp drop to 53 in that spot but the fishing died.  I could not catch a fish after that (Josh did land 3 after the cooling tower began running).
The day was an eye opener for me.  I kept saying it to josh the movement of water caused the fish to reposition but I could not figure out where.  The same is true as a Christian, when we start to really dig into the Bible and read history of the Church and Bible we begin to see and learn things that we may not have realized.  I can tell you I have learned a lot of things I never knew studying at Great Lakes Christian College.
These things could shake our faith and cause us to question what we believe.  Much like that spot did to me yesterday.  I could question whether or not there are fish there or if I could even catch them.  Instead it has made me think and wonder what I need to change when the cooling tower is on.  Where have the fish repositioned?  That’s what we as Christians need to do when we come across things that could rock our faith.  We need to stop and look at them, think about them and dissect the issue at hand. 
In both our faith and in fishing we need to not let little setbacks rock us but instead work thru them and learn because it will make us stronger in our faith and better fishermen.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Losing It

I was reading an article on about how Mike Iaconelli (IKE) has admitted he has an anger problem (read article here) and is seeking help with it from a sports psychologist.  It made me stop and think.  Last Saturday I was fishing the Fishing for Charities event on Smith Mountain Lake when I defiantly had an Ike moment.
I can say it was not my best moment…could almost be my worst moment.  The fishing was tuff, I mean really tuff.  My wife fished with me as it was a team tournament and by 11:30 we had no fish in the boat.  I was beginning to feel the pressure of the day.  We pulled into a small cove and after a half hour my wife landed are first and only bass of the day.  It began to renew the pain I was dealing with not having a bass.
But after another two hours and a bunch of miss haps like birds nest in two rods so bad I could not pick them out and seeing a bunch of bass that had no intrest in biting anything I was throwing I lost it.  I attempted to make a cast with a spinning reel and got another mess of line.  That’s when it happened.  I snapped, and snapped a rod over my knee (yup you read it right a rod over my knee).  Then a bunch of words fell from my mouth that I can’t repeat and the broken rod took a swim in the lake.
Not my finest moment, looking back I feel like a tool.  I was fishing near a dock and there was a little old lady working on her flowers 400 yards up near her house.  I wish I could take that moment back, I feel so bad about it.  I didn’t show that women I was a Christian.  She saw me for 20 minutes at most and I’m sure she thought stupid punk kid.
I surly lived up to what Proverbs 14:17 says: “A quick-tempered person does foolish things,
and the one who devises evil schemes is hated.”
I have worked hard not to be quick tempered because before becoming a Christian I was very quick tempered and I knew that it was something I needed to work on.  However here I was in a boat cussing at myself breaking a rod and tossing it in the lake (I did fish it out before I left…I didn’t want to liter). 
I know what I did was wrong and trust me I asked God for forgiveness, and if I could have figured out how to contact the little old lady and tell her I was sorry I would have done that too.  I hope you think about me and my stupid mistake the next time the temptation is there to fly off the handle and follow my lead instead be the bigger person I couldn’t be that day.  

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Lets Help Those In Need

I have been watching the news, reading statues updates from friends in the south the last day or so as tornados ripped thru the south.  I just read that the death toll has reached 178 people and the number is expected to rise.
I spent last weekend in Virginia at Smith Mountain Lake.  Monday as we made our way home I was hit driving thru the mountains of West Virginia with heavy rain and blowing wind.  At one point I was only going about 35 mph because I couldn’t see more then 20ft ahead of me.
As I was driving I began to pray Lord please, please let me and Cyndi get home safe.  If I had only known what I was driving away from I may have prayed less for me and instead for those going to get hit in a few days.  I feel blessed that Cyndi and I made home safely.  But now I see pictures of homes and towns ravaged by storms my prayers go out to the people in the south.
I have made a lot of friends via Facebook and I can say that knowing somewhere in the direct path of the storms has me worried.  I have not heard from some of them and am begin to wonder if any of them are included in the 178 who have lost their lives.
I hope you will all keep those affected by the storms in your prayers.  Lets remember that we can all help.  If you know someone who has been devastated by this storm lets do something for them. 
I love the bass fishing community, when we see a need we band together and do anything we can to help.  I want to share something that Don Barone is doing.
Here's what I'm thinking of trying to do.  I don't have to be at West Point Lake until Sunday.  I'm going to be able to pack up the RV and leave here in a couple of hours, once I figure out the mystery of the generator the Greyhawk has I will be fully self-contained.
I'm going to try and find a thrift store/stores between me and Alabama and will go in a buy as many clothes for kids as the place has and my credit card can take.  I figure I can't store a bunch of food in here, but I can load it up with clothes.  My guess is a lot of basic clothes for living have been taken by the wind.
Then, with your help, find some sort of central place to park the RV and open the doors to anyone, any family, and just let them take what they need.
 I'll be rolling by 10am CST if you need me or have a suggestion as to where to bring whatever I can find, txt me or email me and I'll be able to see it while I'm on the road.
 I'm not great at planning but I hope this works.
If you want to help Don please contact him thru his Facebook page.  I am hoping all can help his efforts and maybe help offset the cost he is going to occur well he sets out to help those in trouble.
I want to leave you with this
“But if anyone has the world's goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God's love abide in him?”
The Lord has given us so much lets help those who are in trouble please be praying for them and lets help in any way we can.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Praying for Fishing for Charities

I once wrote about what it would be like if every bass fishing tournament started with prayer.  I had the distinct pleasure of starting the Fishing for Charities event on Smith Mountain Lake with prayer.  It was a great experience.  Not only was it Easter weekend but it was for a tournament trail I believe in.
I think Fishing for Charities is doing great things.  Here is a group that is trying to give back.  I was nervous standing on a dock praying into a mega phone in front of those I was going to fish against. 
I am so grateful that Dwayne from Fishing for Charities asked me to write a Faith based blog for the Fishing for Charities website and was honored when he asked me to pray before takeoff that morning.
Little things like that remind me just how much God has blessed me and allowed me to show him thru fishing and writing.  I hope that Dwayne will continue to start each event off with prayer in the future.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

My Motor

Last winter, well I guess it was winter it was early December when I put my boat up for the winter.  It stayed warm long enough I kept the boat out longer and fished into December.  Anyway the last few times I was out the motor was acting funny.  So I talked to a few guys got some ideas and ended up having a plan to get it looked at and fixed.
It’s funny how you can have a plan and then it back fires on you.  My best friend Josh had hooked me up with his brother to fix my boat.  The plan was set, and then it changed a month ago.  To be honest I was not mad or even upset.  Josh’s brother Charlie had to go out of town for work and so things didn’t work out.
I was stressed needless to say because a week from tomorrow I am leaving for Smith Mountain Lake to fish in the Fishing for Charities tournament.  I have to say God is good.  I was stressed and God took care of me.  After doing some work on the motor myself (I should mention I was on a strict budget that did not allow me to take it to a shop and have it worked on) I put it on the water today. 
I had a hard time sleeping last night I was worried my motor wouldn’t start or it would run worse than it did last winter.  Josh was with me this morning and we were both shocked when the motor ran better than it has in a long time.
It’s funny when we spend time worrying we waste time.  That’s what I did about my motor I lost sleep because I was worried about my motor.  Matthew 6:31-34 says: “Therefore don’t be anxious, saying, ‘What will we eat?’, ‘What will we drink?’ or, ‘With what will we be clothed?’  For the Gentiles seek after all these things; for your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things.  But seek first God’s Kingdom, and his righteousness; and all these things will be given to you as well.  Therefore don’t be anxious for tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Each day’s own evil is sufficient."
God knows what’s best for us, he wants what’s best for us.  I don’t know what Gods plan was for my motor working, but instead of spending time worrying last night I could have spent time in prayer or reading the Bible.  Don’t let worry take you over instead give it over to God. 

Monday, April 4, 2011

Learning on the water

I got on the water today, well sort of.  I go to Great Lakes Christian College and there is a small pond on the property that I can fish.  Last spring I got a lot of bass out of that pond.  So with wind blowing at 15 to 20 MPH I went out today.
My goal was to learn how to cast and swim a Rago SKT Swimmer swimbait.  After doing some research on Smith Mountain Lake I learned that Skeet Reese won their last year about the same time I will be fishing this year throwing one.  So I bought one.
I have never fished a bait this big.  In Michigan we don’t need 6 inch baits because the bass just don’t get that big.  However I wanted to see how it worked, how it was to cast and so on.  So I set out to practice today.
After an hour of chucking the swimbait I felt like I had the handle of how to cast and somewhat work the bait.  I never set out to catch a bass just to learn.  It reminded me of why people to Church.  Most people would say I got to Church to learn about God.  We go to Church so we can learn about God and then put what we learned into action. 
Just as I set out to learn how to use the swimbait today so I could put that into action in a few weeks on Smith Mountain Lake.  We as Christians need to learn about God so we can put the principles we learn into action when the time comes that we need them.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Long Winter

It’s been a long winter.  I am so ready to fish it’s not even funny.  I though with the fact that I had gotten to fish into December I would not get cabin fever as bad this year.  Man was I wrong; I think my cabin fever is worse this year.
In 27 days I am going to Smith Mountain Lake to fish the Fishing for Charities event.  My wife and I have been planning the trip for a few months now and are both looking forward to the vacation.  She is going to fish with me because it’s a team tournament.
I have never been so excited about a tournament.  I have always wanted to fish Smith Mountain Lake so the chance to fish it is awesome and exciting at the same time.  I felt the same way last year when I went to Toledo Bend to fish a Big Bass tournament.
God is good I was worried about having the money for April but he has provided.  My wife is meeting friends and we are sharing a cabin with them so cost to stay is going to be less.  Plus I get to fish the 3 days we are there well she hangs out with her friends.
I am glad that Dwayne Linkous contacted me about writing a God based blog for the Fishing For charities website.  I would never have heard of the Fishing for Charities tournaments if he hadn’t and would not be going down.
God works in ways I never will understand but I’m glad he does.  I am so glad that Dwayne Linkous contacted me and I am able to share my blog with those who go to the Fishing for Charities website.