Wednesday, October 27, 2010

happily without regret

I found this quote thanks to Gofishn  "I have fished through fishless days that I remember happily without regret." -- Roderick Haig-Brown.  It made me stop and think.  I spent Saturday on the water fishing, the two weeks before I had been slaying the bass with a football head jig from Atomic Tackle Company, a Rage Tail craw from Strike King and dipped the whole thing in JJ’s magic sauce.
Saturday everything changed, the fish stopped biting.  The water temp had dropped to 49 to 50 degrees; the water was starting to go through turn over.  I played around and looked for fish in other places.  But without a fish and only one bite that came just as I was heading in it was still a great day on the water.
It was a good day because I was in the presence of God.  For me there is nothing like being on the boat spending time in God’s creation.  I feel the closest to God when I fish.  It seems like my prayer life is better.  For me a day without a fish can still be a good day.  
I think too often we get caught up in the idea that if we don’t catch fish we have wasted time on the water.  I have to admit I have had those same thoughts; mine usually come when fishing a tournament.  If I don’t catch a fish or a limit I think man I wasted money on an entrance fee.  Maybe I need to stop even in a tournament and realize that I am part of something bigger, I am in God’s wonderful creation.  Just a thought stop next time you’re on the water and look at Gods creation around you.  

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